Is Paganism One Religion?

Short Answer: No
Long Answer: Paganism is a group of religions that are, in essence, non-revealed Western Religions, based, at least in part, on indigenous beliefs. Paganism includes modern versions of ancient religions, Modern Religions based on ancient religions, and completely modern religions, but it is a large family of religions. Many people define Pagan as "Non-Abrahamic," but most Eastern Religions (which are not Abrahmic) do not consider themselves Pagan.

More Info:
"What's a revealed religion?"
-Revealed Religions are religions that come to the earth through a prophet or the descent of a god.
"What's an Abrahamic religion?"
-Abrahamic religion is the collective term for Christianity, Judaism and Islam.
"What do you mean 'Indigenous belief'?"
-Indigenous beliefs are remnants or parts of indigenous (natural to or original to an area) religions.
"What do you mean 'Western'?
-The Western religions are those religions that formed West of Asia and the Middle East, and generally North of the Sahara.
"Is there a difference between Paganism and Neo-Paganism?"
-In general, no. Many people use the term "Neo-Pagan" to distinguish between Ancient Indigenous Religions, which they call "Pagan" and Modern religions, which they call "Neo-Pagan."
For most of these ancient religions, Pagan is a perjorative, so it is best to call self-identified Pagans Pagans, and others by the proper term for their religion, or at least the generic term (like "indigenous religion of Ancient Sparta").
"So people can't be Christian, for example, and Pagan?"
-Kinda. Syncretic religions, like Voudoun, combine indigenous beliefs with Christianity. There are Pagan syncretic faiths too, like "Arthurian Christianity," "Jewitchery" and Christopagans.
Here's a venn diagram:

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