What do Wiccans believe about Christ?

Short Answer: Nothing.
Long Answer: Wiccans believe many different things about Jesus Christ, and Messiahs in general. Since it's not a part of their faith,(except for a very few syncretic pagans) what they think about them is largely personal. Most sects of the Wiccan religion don't even mention him in their sacred teachings.
-Some Wiccans see Christ as a fictional character of another culture's literary tradition, much as Christians consider Ajax, Achilles and Agamemmnon as fictional characters. Of those who consider him fiction, some consider him inspiring, and others don't care one way or another.
-Some Wiccans see Christ as an avatar (a god in human form) or a prophet of, the Abrahamic God. Many of them believe, based on unbiased readings of the bible, that he came to make changes in the way his people worshipped their god, and that those who think he came to change all peoples are reading the bible wrong.
-Some Wiccans see Jesus as a great teacher. Many think his words are often taken out of context.
-A few, syncretic, Wiccans, view him as a saviour. Most Wiccans don't believe in saving at all, because their gods would not put their souls in danger, nor kill a person to undo that danger.
-Many Wiccans don't care either way, and feel Christ has no relevance to their faith. Many of these, myself included, see no more reason to have beliefs about Christ than of any other god of some foreign cult. I mean, if Modanga of the Island people believes in Jocumbia the giant fluffy sheep, does the average Christian give Jocumbia a second thought? Maybe as a neat, or strange thing, or noting the effect of belief in Jocumbia the giant sheep on it's people, but really, does the average Christian worry that they are not worshipping Jocumbia? OF COURSE NOT! They know their faith is their truth! Same with Wiccans!
-some Wiccans see Christ as just another wise man, and correctly point out that he said nothing not said before by other cultures, especially the Greek philosophers he, as an educated person, probably had read.
-Still other Wiccans see Christ as a Pagan, with his powers of healing and other magick nothing more than a level of power. Many of these Wiccans believe his words and his deeds are two different stories, the deeds truthful, and the words those of the people who created a new religion in his honour.
-no non-syncretic Wiccans believe Jesus Christ died for them. Many see this as nonsense and state that if the followers of a modern death row victim insisted their leader died for you we'd all think them nuts.

More info:
"what is syncreticism?"
Syncretic religions, like Voudoun, combine indigenous beliefs with Christianity. There are Pagan syncretic faiths too, like "Arthurian Christianity," "Jewitchery" and Christopagans.
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