Is Harry Potter Wiccan?

Short Answer: No, silly.
Long Answer: I'll be honest. Anyone who believes that Harry Potter is Wiccan is a moron. In the words of one member of the Wiccan Clergy: "Of course he's not Wiccan! I've read the books, I assume if he had a religion it he'd be Church of England. If he was Wiccan, we'd see him praying to the Lord and Lady, at the very least, celebrating with a community at the solstice, and at Samhain, not running out for candies.
No Wiccan does what Harry Potter does, unless you are talking about eating, sleeping, having people hate you for who they think you are, wondering about family you haven't met, studying, taking exams, getting an education, and the like.
Read about the whole controversy here At Beliefnet, then laugh your butts off.
No, Harry Potter is not Wiccan, and what he learns at Hogwarts is a fictional trade, not a real religion!

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