Can I be a Wiccan/Witch and still practice my other religion??

Short Answer: No
Long Answer: Wicca is a religion. If you wish to practice the religion, you should follow the religion.
As mentioned in "Are Witchcraft and Wicca the same thing," however, some forms of Witchcraft are not religious at all. You can practice these "secular magicks" with any religion. In addition, many forms of Religion have metaphysical movements. If you wish to practice Wicca only for the metaphysics that SOME Wiccans attach to their relationship with the gods, you're better off finding the metaphysical version of your own faith. To practice Wicca because of metaphysics is like converting to Judaism because you like latkes.
There are a few syncretic forms of Wicca, in which the religion of Wicca is blended with another faith. Often, this syncretic religion is a creature that is not Wiccan OR the other faith it uses, but a third thing altogether.
For the most part, however, if you wish to be Wiccan, be it 100%

More Info:
"Is there a difference between Paganism and Neo-Paganism?"
-In general, no. Many people use the term "Neo-Pagan" to distinguish between Ancient Indigenous Religions, which they call "Pagan" and Modern religions, which they call "Neo-Pagan."
For most of these ancient religions, Pagan is a perjorative, so it is best to call self-identified Pagans Pagans, and others by the proper term for their religion, or at least the generic term (like "indigenous religion of Ancient Sparta").
"So people can't be Christian, for example, and Pagan?"
-Kinda. Syncretic religions, like Voudoun, combine indigenous beliefs with Christianity. There are Pagan syncretic faiths too, like "Arthurian Christianity," "Jewitchery" and Christopagans.
Here's a venn diagram:

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