What do Wiccans believe about the End of the world?

Short Answer: Nothing. Everything. Take your pick
Long Answer: Wicca is a religion focused on living. When someone dies, if we mourn, it is for our loss, for the loss of the person to the world, us, their family, and for what they could've done. Few Wiccans mourn the fact that a person has died, only the loss of that person to the Living. Same with the end of the world. Wicca is focused on living an ideal life, and you cannot live an ideal life if you focus on death.
The following is the most common end of world belief held by Wiccans. Our sacred teachings often say nothing of what happens at the end of the world. Ours is an EXPERIENTIAL religion.
"The life-giving, aging star we orbit is using up its fuel supply and will collapse within 7 billion years. Before that, though, there will be an agonizing period of repeated swelling, as the sun grows into a red giant. How giant?

"Earth will end up in the sun, vaporizing and blending its material with that of the sun," said Iowa State University's Lee Anne Willson. "That part of the sun then blows away into space, so one might say Earth is cremated and the ashes are scattered into interstellar space."

Read more about how we believe the world will end HERE

Other Wiccans believe in the End of the world of their individual culure, that we will wipe ourselves out by war, that we'll all achive nirvana and it won't matter and much, much more.

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