Are Wiccans Satanic?

Short Answer: no.
Long Answer: Wicca and Paganism is about having a relationship with gods that are outside the Abrahamic pantheon. While there are a VERY few "satanists" that are best called (non-Wiccan) Pagans, they are a very small minority of the Pagan community, and a very small percentage of satanists. It is likely, however, that what they do bears no similarity to what you think "satanists" should do, and what they do is not often properly called "worshipping satan." You can click Here for an excellent site on Satanism, from which I stole this quote, which sums up the Philosophy of Satanism pretty well....
"What makes you happy is the most important factor to consider in your life....whether that be making money, helping out charities, studying spirituality, or lounging in front of the TV. This is not necessarily as selfish a viewpoint as it may appear to be; in doing what one wants and what makes one happy, it must be taken into account that many times making another person happy is what brings the greatest pleasure to oneself"
But Satanists aren't Wiccan, Wiccans aren't Satanists and a vast majority of non-Wiccan Pagans are not anything resembling Satanists, and they do not worship Satan at all!
But, you may ask, what do those Wiccans and non-satanic Pagans believe about Satan?
Wiccans and Pagans believe many different things about Satan. Since he's not a part of their faith,(except for a very few syncretic non-Wiccan pagans) what they think about him is largely personal. The Pagan religions usually don't even mention him in their sacred teachings.
-Most Pagans see Satan as a fictional character of another culture's literary tradition, much as Christians consider Loki, Eris and Hades as fictional characters. Of those who consider him fiction, many think he was made up to try to discredit the gods of other peoples.
-Most Pagans are uncomfortable with the idea that "Satan" is responsible for evil deeds in the world, as their faiths teach that every human is responsible for his own decisions.
-A very few Pagans, probably less than .5%, see Satan as another name for an existing god, and blame the Christians for attributing evil acts to that god.
-A few, syncretic, Pagans, view Satan as their God of evil or the underworld, or both. They don't usually worship this god, but see him as a part of their family of gods.
-Many Pagans don't care either way, and feel Satan has no relevance to their faith. Many of these, myself included, feel that the Satan concept is something so far from reality as we've experienced it that it must be false.
-A very few Pagans, perhaps less than .5%, see Satan as a positive force in the universe, and cite the bloody history and actions of Christians for this belief. To these Pagans, who are often Ex-Christians, if Christianity can be so false anything it proposes as its opposite must be good.
-Many Pagans see Satan as just another god of those other people, with no bearing on their faith whatsoever.

More info:
"what is syncreticism?"
Syncretic religions, like Voudoun, combine indigenous beliefs with Christianity. There are Pagan syncretic faiths too, like "Arthurian Christianity," "Jewitchery" and Christopagans.
Here's a venn diagram:

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